Living wholeheartedly

Living wholeheartedly

Everyone uses mechanisms to protect themselves from pain.  In my case, I took on the position of teacher’s pet and stuck close to adults so my peers would be less able to physically hurt me.  I also developed an ego to keep people distant from me so they couldn’t easily hurt me.  If I’m “smarter” than you are, you won’t be able to hurt me.  This makes having close healthy relationships difficult.  I also tended to have friends who were female and were less physically aggressive and less likely to hurt me.  I suggest that ego became my first blind spot.

Living wholeheartedly.  This is a key to having a happy Continue reading Living wholeheartedly

“Forgive me for being an arrogant ass”

“Forgive me for being an arrogant ass.”  I caused a great deal of confusion, frustration and pain to and for the people I love the most.  I didn’t understand what was going on until things came to a head.  Trauma is often what gives us a kick in the head and makes us reevaluate our life purpose and direction.

I didn’t realize Continue reading “Forgive me for being an arrogant ass”

Preparing For Your Future

“You are not defined by your past, you are being prepared by your past to be a blessing in the present and to prepare you for your future.”

Have you experienced the feeling that nothing matters.  You don’t matter.  You might as well give up now and accept what everyone else has already decided.  You really don’t matter.  You can’t solve the problems you find yourself in.  As everyone has already told you, it’s all your fault.  You are a total and complete failure.  We don’t believe in you.  Go away.

At this point in your life my friend, if you don’t have a system to help you move forward, you are in deep serious trouble. #takethenextbigstep