All posts by Byron

About Byron

You MATTER! Find out more from Byron Watts an internationally published Author, Speaker and LifeShift Coach™ created LifeShift Academy™ after he identified the systems to give you Power and Freedom in your life, moving from overwhelmed, stuck or mediocre to Bigger and Better! These are the proprietary proven systems that Byron Watts used to successfully recover from numerous struggles in his life, relationships and business. As a former Fortune 5 employee with a family, kids in college and all the normal obligations, he ended up unemployed, divorced, homeless and alone.  The systems Byron Watts used to recover resulted in several fundamental LifeShifts™ in how he approaches life, sees struggles, relates to others and thrives through challenges. With help from Byron Watts and LifeShift Academy™, these systems will Unlock Your Potential and make you Thrive too! A Personal Note From Byron Watts I discovered that every trial, every struggle, every tragedy and every adversity comes with an equal or greater BLESSING. If you wallow in the struggle, that is all you will see.  Life is amazing.  The key is gratitude. A cheerful heart is very good; like medicine.  Discover how a LifeShift™ can make a very significant difference in your life! “When you're in a paradigm shift, you need a LifeShift™.” — Byron Watts Do you have a friend, colleague or associate, who has undergone a massive transformation in their life?  Or, have you watched shows on television like Extreme Makeover or The Biggest Loser?  These shows prove that transformation can happen very quickly. Perhaps you reached the age, like Byron Watts did, where finding another job gets harder.  You probably know someone who is overwhelmed, feeling stuck, frustrated with settling for mediocre; who know they must take steps to get to Bigger and Better in their life but they don't know how to get started! If this excites you, you need to know that we have proven, proprietary systems that help those who encounter a life or career crisis Take The Next Big Step.  With expert advice, connection and assistance focusing on those struggling with overwhelming obstacles and possible addictions, you too can get to Bigger and Better! Your FIRST big step is to call our International Office at 832-592-7853 or visit NOW!  Get your Free copy of our Action Guide!  Bigger and Better We Can Do It Together™!   Byron Watts Words “You can change what you are and where you are, by changing what goes on in your head.” — Byron Watts   “Taking The Next Big Step Requires a Like-Minded Buddy.  The Buddy System is Essential!” — Byron Watts

Living wholeheartedly

Living wholeheartedly

Everyone uses mechanisms to protect themselves from pain.  In my case, I took on the position of teacher’s pet and stuck close to adults so my peers would be less able to physically hurt me.  I also developed an ego to keep people distant from me so they couldn’t easily hurt me.  If I’m “smarter” than you are, you won’t be able to hurt me.  This makes having close healthy relationships difficult.  I also tended to have friends who were female and were less physically aggressive and less likely to hurt me.  I suggest that ego became my first blind spot.

Living wholeheartedly.  This is a key to having a happy Continue reading Living wholeheartedly

Preparing For Your Future

“You are not defined by your past, you are being prepared by your past to be a blessing in the present and to prepare you for your future.”

Have you experienced the feeling that nothing matters.  You don’t matter.  You might as well give up now and accept what everyone else has already decided.  You really don’t matter.  You can’t solve the problems you find yourself in.  As everyone has already told you, it’s all your fault.  You are a total and complete failure.  We don’t believe in you.  Go away.

At this point in your life my friend, if you don’t have a system to help you move forward, you are in deep serious trouble. #takethenextbigstep