The Question and the Vission

TakeTheNextBigStep.comGreetings my friend.

I skipped my post earlier today because I spent the day doing a regroup.  I got confused and distracted about something.  Maybe you can relate.

I was asking myself the question, “How can I get you to care about what I think is important?”


I CAN’T get you to do anything of the sort, right?  I can only tell you who I am, where I’ve been and where I’m going.  If who I am, where I’ve been and where I’m going resonates with you, you might choose to join me on the journey of a lifetime!

If you aren’t at least a little curious, a little bit intrigued, you stopped reading already.

WOW!  You’re looking for Bigger and Better too!

The Journey of a Lifetime!

How can I say we’re going on the journey of a lifetime?

Because the experiences we’ve been through gave us amazing lessons.  We know things now that only experience can teach.  We know several things we don’t want to repeat.  We also are beginning to develop a new outlook and perspective using the MindShift System™ I developed.  Our view of the events on life is more positive now than it’s ever been.  With this new perspective and the Vission Shift System™ in our toolkit, we are building Vission™ for our future beyond anything we have experienced before.

We spent enough time working earning a living.  Now we are developing our future aligned with our purpose, our passion and our Vission™!  We focus our energy on the future, knowing we were created for a very special purpose.  The yearning of our heart calls us to live that purpose in our life and through our work every day!

Imagine how much easier it is to get up in the morning when you love passionately what you do every day!

Do you understand how powerful this is?


Take a few minutes to do this exercise.  After you read this, sit back in a comfortable position.  Breathe in deeply and take a couple of very deep breaths as you completely relax.  While you’re relaxed completely, think about the most enjoyable thing you have done.  Climbing a mountain?  Walking in the woods or along the beach?  Going camping with friends?  Taking a cruise?  Whatever the experience that comes to mind, remember what it felt like.  Remember how happy and exciting it was to spend time in that special place.  Are there special people with you in your memory or did you enjoy spending some time alone?

Remember the feeling of happiness and satisfaction.

What if that feeling happened every day through your work?

Does massive satisfaction from your work interest you?  Do you see the advantages?

“Of Course!” as the late Jim Rohn used to say.  He also said, “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”

Many of us neglect working on ourself thinking the job or our current experiences will go on forever.  Life change sometimes catches us by surprise. Your job can go away in a moment. But your investment in YOU lasts forever.

It lives on through your legacy!

What is your contribution to the world?

Have you a friend, colleague or associate who has settled for a much smaller contribution than necessary?  They might think small to avoid disappointment, rejection and ridicule.

We ask ourselves:  “How do you handle rejection, disappointment and ridicule?”

There are two basic choices.

Many people choose to avoid risk, to avoid standing up so they can’t be knocked down.

Notice the position they are already in.  They play small, they are down already.  With no expectation of success, there is no success.  They play small, settling for a mediocre life with minimal contribution.  When they get to the end of life, the successes are few and the failures are many…every possible win, a failure.

The other choice:  Play Big!

Stand up, take on the challenges, always growing who you are.  Living every day on purpose.  Developing the talents and skills needed to fully live the life you were created for.  Imagine how much better it feels to be fully alive!

Will you get knocked down?  “Of Course!”  but every time, you stand up with new lessons learned, new confidence that next time that happens, you’ll be ready for it!  The challenges grow your knowledge, skills and abilities.  Your choices are on purpose.

When you are living with your new MindShift™ mentality and Vission Shift™  purpose, you are living every day on purpose!

WHO CARES if sometimes things don’t go the way you expected?

Even unintelligent action will get you further down the field than playing small and staying stuck!

We develop confidence that our future grows brighter every day because we have the system and support we need.  Our support team cheers us along and encourages us to be our best no matter what the day brings.  Do you see how important a support team can be?

I started today in a meeting with one of my support teams.  I was feeling frustrated and disappointed with a couple things in my life.  The input and perspectives brought to me by other members of the mastermind showed me that my concerns are not going to stop me from moving forward and making progress.  WOW!

I recommend that you join one of our support groups to have the same kind of encouragement and support.

Are you getting this?  What would your day be like if someone had your back?

Details on our support calls is in the new product I mentioned a couple days ago.  Blind Spot Blueprint and Recovery Guide is in edit right now and should be available very soon.

If you can’t wait till then, call our International Office at 832-592-7853 to get more information.

You are worth it!

You are good enough, you are strong enough, you are beautiful enough and you are smart enough to do what you were created to do.

Thank you for being my friend.
Byron – The Bigger and Better Guy™


Do you have a system that helps you work through issues in your life?

Stay tuned for more even systems that you can use to get to Bigger and Better!


Meanwhile, take a minute and do the following steps:

  1. Sign up for the Free Action Guide I wrote specially for you.
  2. Like so you’ll get updates on my posts
  3. Give me some feedback about where you are in your journey:  Include your biggest question, the one that keeps you up at night, when you write.
  4. If you’d like to get in touch, contact me at our International Office:  832-592-7853


Every successful person has coaches, mentors and support groups to lead and inspire them to new levels of success.  Whatever you do, start making investments in yourself that get you to the Bigger and Better you deserve.

Bigger and Better.  We Can Do It Together™.