Early Memories help get ready to Take The Next Big Step

This is Mr. Byron T Watts.

I’m standing outside of one of the first places I lived that contains my name in the title.
And I thought I’d introduce you to it.

The house isn’t here any more but two specific things are that I got to experience in my front yard that I remember. From the time that I was quite young I lived right near a railroad tracks and here is an example of one of the tracks I lived by. And also look at the view.
I lived right in front of the river and got to watch fireworks over the river. And, the town
across there had some interesting lighting and features that we got to enjoy. That’s LeClaire, Iowa.
This is the place where I first remember, well, things that happened in my growing up and taking my next step in my life.

Where were you when you remember the first time that things started happening in your life?

The friends and foes that you’ve had?
Arnie was the guy who enjoyed beating me up and taking advantage of me at this location.
…and now he’s much shorter than I am…it’s kind of funny.

But, you know, how do you respond to events that happen in your life?
How do you plan to Take The Next Big Step in your life if everything stays the way it’s always been and you want things to be safe and easy?

And you know what, here comes a train.

It there’s anything that I can do to help you in your journey, contact me at our international
office. You can call 832-592-7853.

Again, this is Mr. Byron T Watts.

Have a great day!

To contact me visit www.TakeTheNextBigStep.com or call our International Office at
