Change Your Story Change Your Life! – Part 2

<< Part 1                                Part 3 >>
YourYour Story is About Your Purpose. Story is About Your Purpose

A pessimistic story is one you tell yourself trying to avoid something.  You might tell yourself that if you take no risks, you won’t feel disappointed.  Maybe you tell yourself that taking time away from the office to exercise and take care of your health, or take time away to attend a concert with your partner, or watch a sports event to see your child play, you risk losing your job.

Here’s the thing. Continue reading Change Your Story Change Your Life! – Part 2

Change Your Story Change Your Life! – Part 1

Part 2 >>

Did you know that you are a hero?Change your story, Change your life.

What your life is like or what your life should be like is accompanied with a story.  The story you tell yourself describes in pictures what you expect your life to be like.  What it was like in the past shapes what your life is like in the present.  It also molds what you think your life will be like in the future.  Your story defines how you see yourself in each experience you have in life.

Who is responsible for your story?

Continue reading Change Your Story Change Your Life! – Part 1

Now also available in Kindle Format

I’ve been remiss. I know, that’s old English for most people. The net is, I haven’t been creating training for my blog as much as I could or should.Kindle

It’s not that I haven’t been writing. My writing has been focused on building products and services that will help you and others make significant improvements in your life. Some of my writing has been released in Kindle Format. I listed some of my writing on my Facebook TakeTheNextBigStep page. Maybe you saw it there.

Today I built an overview page Continue reading Now also available in Kindle Format

The Buddy System

During my daily walk this afternoon I spent some time thinking about the buddy system that is so essential in many different settings of our life.  When we were young and went swimming, one technique that was often used to help keep track of everyone was the buddy system.  The idea was that when there are more kids than adults, it is important to have somebody watching out for you. The Buddy System is Essential! They’ve got your back.  Since the adult who was responsible for your safety couldn’t physically watch everyone everywhere, it was very important to have somebody sharing that responsibility.  I watch out for you.  You watch out for me.  That way, if there is ever any trouble, Continue reading The Buddy System

Overwhelmed? First Steps.

instaquote-21-05-2014-22-07-20One of the important questions that is often asked by my clients is how to deal with overwhelm.  I have seen a large number of people struggle with depression because there always seems to be more to deal with than a person thinks they can handle.  Have you a friend, colleague or associate who struggles with overwhelm?


When we as human beings experience overwhelm it normally means we have too much input for our system to handle.  We feel stress simply existing and cannot seem to make any forward progress at all.  Thinking about our situation is therefore stressful and we end up trying to deal with our struggles and road blocks as little as possible.

Does this sound familiar?

Our body and brain are good at shutting down when we get too much input.  When we have a physical injury that gives our nervous system too much input, our body responds by putting us into a state we refer to as “shock”.  It’s the way our nervous system protects us.

It turns out that we have other Continue reading Overwhelmed? First Steps.