What is the purpose of it all?


Why are you here?


We miss this so often because we are selfish people.  We forget that the reason we exist is to have relationship.

I work to help you live a better life.  You work to help me have a better life.  Why?  Because that’s why we are here.  Relationship is a value proposition.  It’s not about what you can get out of me or about what I can get out of you.

A Value Proposition

A value proposition is about how much I can contribute to your life and how much value you receive from my recommendations and the other things I bring to the relationship.

We often get distracted by the money proposition because we seem to think that money is really the only thing that matters.  How poor we have become.

The investment you make in the life of another person is never wasted.  It returns to you with increase.  A gift freely given and freely received.

Here’s the thing:  A Control Issue

Here’s the thing.  When you give to someone else expecting something in return, you are no longer living a value proposition.  Giving with the expectation of return is very often a control problem.  If there is a control problem, I might give to you, expecting that you MUST give me something back.  When this happens, the increase that could have been received goes away.  We’re dealing with a control proposition.  The control proposition is often not a one-way problem.  If one person in a relationship chooses to block the giving or receiving of the gift, the gift and value proposition is blocked for both people in the relationship.  I cannot give freely to you when you refuse to freely receive from me.  I don’t receive freely from you when you refuse to freely give.

There is real freedom in giving up control in relationships.  Freely giving and receiving makes every relationship stronger and healthier.  Both people increase.

Does this make sense?

Open to Relationship

To be free to give and receive each person must be open.  We must deal with the road blocks in our life so we stop stumbling over them. The systems I developed to work through issues and road blocks will bring freedom in your life and relationships.

It is not too late to Invest In You! Your relationships will benefit from a healthier you.

Do you see how important this is?

You are worth it!

  • You are good enough.
  • You are strong enough.
  • You are beautiful enough.
  • You are smart enough.
  • You ARE enough to do what you were created to do.
  • I believe in you.

I strongly believe that you and I were created for a special purpose and we are here for a very special reason.

Thank you for being there my friend.

Byron – The Bigger and Better Guy™


P.S.  Do you have a system that helps you work through issues in your life?

Stay tuned for more systems that you can use to get to Bigger and Better!


Meanwhile, take a minute and do the following steps:

  1. Sign up for the Free Action Guide I wrote specially for you.
  2. Like www.Facebook.com/takethenextbigstep so you’ll get updates on my posts
  3. Give me some feedback about where you are in your journey:  TakeTheNextBigStep@gmail.com  Include your biggest question, the one that keeps you up at night, when you write.
  4. If you’d like to get in touch, contact me at our International Office:  832-592-7853

Every successful person has coaches, mentors and support groups to lead and inspire them to new levels of success.  Whatever you do, start making investments in yourself that get you to the Bigger and Better you deserve.

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